
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Do You Know These Film Visual And Sound Techniques?!

In English, we are beginning to do our film study segment. To begin, we were tasked to create a Kahoot, a language of film dictionary, a crossword, or a Pick-A-Path to show that we understand the definitions of different visual and sound techniques in films. 

I created a crossword (seen below) where the clues to the answers are the definition of each technique!

What am I learning?
I am learning to understand the language of film and the works and techniques that go on behind the scenes in a film.

How does this work show my learning?
This work shows my learning by showing I know how to identify and describe the different sound and visual techniques used in film.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning
Are there any sub-parts to each of these techniques? Are there any more techniques I don't know about?

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Testing For Nuitrients


To find out if a BK burger has simple sugars, complex sugars, and proteins


Test tube
Food samples
Iodine solution
Sodium Hydroxide
Copper sulfate
Benedicts Solution
Bunsen burner
Test tube tongs


(For complex)
1. Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 5 drops of the benedicts solution and mix
3. Heat, not boil, over a bunsen burner

(For simple)
1. Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix

(For protein)
1. Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
3. Shake the test tube gently from side to side.


We didn't end up being able to do the simple sugar test on the pattie but that was the only one we weren't able to do.


If the test was negative, there was no trace of a certain chemical or nutrient.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

The Biuret Test


To test if a sample of food contains protein


Test tube
Sodium Hydroxide
Copper sulfate
Food sample


1. Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.
3. Shake the test tube gently from side to side.


The egg (the top photo) and the milk (Bottom photo) both went purple, though they were different shades of purple


Both our milk and our egg went purple, it did take a lot more copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide than it was meant to but we got there. The purple means there is protein present in the sample. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Testing Sugars


To test if a sample of food contains complex sugars


Test tube
Food sample
Iodine solution


1. Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix


The bread in the test tube went from a reddish brown like colour to a dark brown or black colour. This means there are complex carbs 


To test if a sample of food contains simple sugars


Test tube
Food sample
Benidicts Solution
Bunsen burner
Test tube tongs 


1. Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 5 drops of the benidicts solution and mix
3. Heat, not boil, over a bunsen burner


We kinda failed it the first time around, as seen in the video but we tried a second time with a different solution (Benedicts and orange juice), as seen in the photos.

If you want to watch a failed version of this experiment, 2 girls freaking out about boiling liquids, and a random conversation about trapping bugs and killing them, here you go.

Monday, 13 August 2018

My Car(r) License

In English, we've recently been introduced to "Carr licenses." 'What is a carr license?' you may ask. Well, basically, they are metaphorical licenses that give students certain restrictions when it comes to the work they do and how they do it. The four licenses are; Expert, Full, Restricted, and Learner. To move up a license, you have to be doing high standard and consistent work and behaviour for two weeks straight.

This is the first tier, known as the learner tier. This tier is extremely restricted when it comes to how the people under it do their work. They have to have basically everything they do with permission from the teacher.
The next tier up is the restricted tier. Though it's the next up, not much has changed. It's not as restricted, contrary to the name, as the tier prior.

This is the full tier, which just so happens to be my license. This tier is a lot less restricted than the last two.

Why do I think I'm at this level?
I think I'm on this license because I'm usually ahead of my work, I get my work done, I stay on task most of the time and am able to get back on task when needed

And now for the final tier, the expert tier. I believe nobody, at least in our class, is on this tier yet. This tier has barely any restrictions, the ones that exist are purely school rules or are quite necessary. I'm going to be  working towards this one and I'll do that by researching more topics in my own time, helping other people stay on task and suggesting ideas for projects

Health - Assertiveness

What did you learn about?
I learnt what 'NUTS' stands for (Nonnegotiable, Unalterable terms)

When discussing conflict styles what did you notice about yourself?
When I am faced with conflict from parents I am often assertive.
However, if I'm having a conflict with a teacher, I'm more likely to be passive

How can you reduce conflict during the Business & Enterprise kete? Give an example
If an argument or conflict arises in my group in the business and enterprise kete, I can help reduce it by listening to other's opinions and taking them into considerations and being mindful of their feelings and how they react to things.

Give an example of when you might need to keep calm during Business & Enterprise kete...
During the business and enterprise kete, I might need to be calm if another person and I in my group have a disagreement or an argument over an idea or another topic.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Social Studies Maori Presentations

LI (Learning Intention):
To understand the life of Maori prior to Europeans arriving and it's connection to today's society.

My research is about the Maori Waiata (Song) Nga Tamariki O Matariki.

I found the information about the composer, Erana Hemmingsen and the connections the stars have to everyday things quite interesting.

I think I presented my work well as well as finding decently interesting information

Next time I would want to choose a different subject, one with more information to find.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Speeching About Me

(No, that wasn't a typo)
What makes a speech interesting and make it sound better?

  • Rhetorical Questions - Asking questions without wanting an answer - Have you ever wanted to go to Australia?
  • Imagery - Describing an idea - It was a weird looking, spotty and red mushroom.
  • Alliteration; onomatopoeia - She sells seashells by the seashore; Bang! Pow!
  • Repetition - Repeating the same ideas - Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. 

Other ways to make your speech interesting

  1. Tell them something useful
  2. Tell them something they don’t already know
  3. Follow the “Tell ‘Em Three Times” Rule. 
  4. Unify your speech with a single, overarching theme.
  5. Let the audience see how much you care about what you’re saying. 
  6. Stick to what you know is absolutely true.
  7. Structure your speech in small “sound bites."
  8. Create “the perfect moment.”
  9. Speak to individuals, not the entire group
  10. Memorize the first and last lines of your presentation, but nothing else.

How to speak to an audience

  • Eye-Contact
  • Voice  -Audible slow
  • Gesture
  • Body language

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Let's Set These Quotes Straight.

While reading Wonder, I noticed that one of the quotes, that was at the beginning of each part, wasn't actually correct. So it made me wonder (ahahah roll credits) were any of the other quotes incorrect? Considering I finished my work ahead of the rest of the class, I took the opportunity to actually do some research and answer my question.

What was in Wonder - "Fate smiled and destiny laughed as she came to my cradle" - Natalie Merchant "Wonder"

The actual quote/the full quote -"Ooo, I believe, fate, fate smiled. And destiny laughed as she came to my cradle"

Note - I'll let this pass, considering the quote is technically correct and has just been shortened a little bit.

What was in Wonder - "Far above the world, planet earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do" - David Bowie "Space Oddity"

The actual quote/the full quote - "Far above the world. Planet Earth is blue. And there's nothing I can do"

Note - Okay, another pass. I was going to fail it but I realised there are different words in different parts of the song.

What was in Wonder -  You are beautiful no matter what they say, words can't bring you down, you are beautiful in every single way, yes words can't bring you down - Christina Aguilera "Beautiful"

The actual quote/the full quote - "You are beautiful, No matter what they say. Words can't bring you down, Oh no, You are beautiful, In every single way, Yes words can't bring you down, Oh no, So don't you bring me down today"

Note - Uhm, the author didn't do the full quote by missing the Oh nos and the 'So don't you bring me down today' but I'll let it pass. For now.

What was in Wonder - Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye - Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

The actual quote/the full quote - "Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." or "Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

Note - This was the quote that started this nightmare of a post. Now, It may be a translation issue but I'm going to fail it anyway.

What was in Wonder - Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams. - John Merrick in Bernard Pomerance's "The Elephant Man"

The actual quote/the full quote - "Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams,"

Note - Another pass. I have been played. The results aren't looking very good on my end.

What was in Wonder - What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god, the beauty of the world - Shakespeare "Hamlet"

The actual quote/the full quote - "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world"

Note - ... I'm not giving up. I accept defeat but I've come this far.

What was in Wonder - I forgot that I might see so many beautiful things that I might need to find out what life could bring - Andain "Beautiful Things."

The actual quote/the full quote -  "I forgot that I might see. So many beautiful things. I forgot that I might need. To find out. What life could bring. Beautiful things"

Note - Hey, to be fair, I was just interested

What was in Wonder - "You're gonna reach the sky. Fly... Beautiful child". - Eurythmics "Beautiful Child"

The actual quote/the full quote - "You're gonna reach the sky. Fly. Beautiful child"

Note - I really don't have much to say anymore

I'm not going to ramble on about this, but long story short, I have been proven wrong. It was interesting to read though.