
Friday 18 October 2019

Oh My Gods...

This week in social studies, each of our tables was asked to answer a set of three questions regarding Religion and beliefs in British missionaries vs in early Maori culture. 

Here are our answers...

Question One - Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society

Mythology is something that gives people something to believe in, something to rely on and sometimes even hope. It gives people a purpose for existing, a feeling of safety, and gives answers for otherwise unexplainable things. Most stories give a base for cultural beliefs, practice and morals. 

Question Two - What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Màori and the first British Missionaries?

Each religion believes in a higher power or being, they share some fundamental principles. They both had religious stories to back up their beliefs, in which they have at least one form of creation story.

Question Three - Why would a difference between Màori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?

Because they both had different point of view. Their religions consisted of many things that the other couldn't handle due to their own. They both had opposing and contradicting fundamentals. Imagine if someone came into your house and told you everything you had believed since you were younger was wrong just because they thought so.

The lesson before answering these questions, we were tasked to create a poster that included one of the many gods in Maori beliefs and one of their stories. I chose Tangaroa, the god of the sea.

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