
Monday 8 June 2020

More Art, but like, Out Of Isolation

As a good start to what I'd like my portfolio to look like, in my own time I created a mixed media piece in support of the black lives matter movement in progress in America at the moment. 
This is it :)

The text you can see is actually a doc of different articles about innocent black victims who died to the hands of police brutality and stereotyping. More accurately victims murdered by people who stood free due to systematic racism. These victims include but are sadly not limited to - 
George Floyd -  was suffocated by a cop kneeling on his neck for over 8 minutes despite a lack of struggle and continuously saying "I can't breathe." He was in the custody of the cop due to being arrested on suspicion of a forged $20 note. The note was later reported to be real.
Trayvon Martin - shot by a neighbourhood watch member while walking home from a convenience store and holding a bag of skittles. He was labelled a 'suspicious individual' and unknowingly had the cops called on him. Despite the warning from 911 operator to not do anything, George Zimmerman shot and killed an innocent 17 year old. Trayvon Martin was 17. Zimmerman had a gun, Martin had skittles.
Breonna Taylor - Stormed in her own apartment and shot 8 times. A police squad entered her house to see if two men had been receiving packages of drugs there. They had a warrant that allowed them to enter without warning and not identify themselves as officers. They say that they only fired shots towards Taylor because her boyfriend shot at and wounded one of their officers (He was charged with the attempted murder of an officer after shooting them in the leg, a wound that would quickly heal. The charges were dropped later.) While aggressive, not a reason to fire at someone who is unarmed, consequently killing her. 
Ahmaud Arbery - He was shot while jogging. That's it. Two white men shot him because he was jogging. It was months before they were arrested.

These are just some of the numerous cases.

To support the movement, please (safely) protest if possible or even just check out some of these articles - 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Samantha. Thank you for the explanation around this art work. It's a great kaupapa as it is something that has hit a nerve with you and you clearly want to take further.

    Have you looked at the mixed media pieces on the 1.2 slide show? you are working towards works that hit that kind of mark and it seems to suit your style and the reasons behind your art works.

    Im looking forward to seeing another variation of this where you consider possibly how to use space within a picture frame dynamically (think about asymmetry) and about how you can work on developing the negative space into something more as the start of something interesting is there.


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