
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Let's Compose Some... Ish?

2/09/2020 - Week 7 (Week 3 of Composition)
Currently in music, while working on our solos, we're composing songs! Which sounds hard (and it is,) but that is why I decided to opt for working in a group. Chyna and I are working on an instrumental to fit alongside a video I made in year 10, for our composition task. I'll mute the video or change the sound when it comes to it so that the two songs don't clash. 
So far, we have about 45 seconds of piano music where each of us takes a side of the piano and play notes. Because that's what you do with a piano... Anyway, we chose to use a chorus sounding option on the keyboard to give a more eery fantasy vibe to the piece. I'm down the higher end while Chyna takes the lower end. 
Here is a photo of my notes - 
Here's a really weird photo of my notes feat. me. I am fully aware of how little sense they make but they make sense to me and that's all that matters.
Here's a link to our recordings from each time we make a significant amount of process -

10/09/2020 - Week 8 (Week 4 of Composition)

Composing is hard :( Chyna and I have a base for our song but now we need a melody. The problem is, I don't know how to write a melody. There's not much to update for this week, other than a very small note progression I thought we should add to the beginning. It's like A, C, F or something :)

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