
Tuesday 31 July 2018

A Brand New Organism

In science, we were given the task of creating a new organism. We were to give it a name and a habitat and give a description of its diet.
This is my creation. Really, I should call it an amalgamation. I'm not sure whether I hate it or love it.

Name - Branidcorn
Moves by - Flying or walking if it can be bothered
Lives in - Abandoned schools
Eats - Anything and everything.

Year Nine Health - Business Kete

What did you learn about?
I learnt that resilience can be shown in most situations. Whether at school, at work, or in your daily life.
My favourite saying connected to resilience is "If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces."

Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? Why?
It was difficult to understand information in the Who Moved My Cheese video because it was presented in a way that I wasn't able to connect to.

How did you relate to the video “Who Moved My Cheese”?
The video “Who moved my Cheese” is about change and resilience.
It taught me that change isn't weird and that I need to be prepared to keep on going when change happens

How can you apply your new knowledge to the Business Kete?
During the Business and Enterprise Kete, I will be able to keep working when things get rough in my business or a change of plans happen.
I will do this by remaining calm through conflicts and working through changes.

Monday 30 July 2018

The Ending Of A Wonderful Story

  1. Explain August’s fears of going on school retreat/camp, were they justified?
    Of course, they are justified! It the first time he's slept away from home and he's stuck four hours away with people like Julian. Think of it this way, how would you feel if you were in Auggie's situation?
  2. Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with August reveal their character?
    They're both bullies, we see this through the way they act around Auggie. While Eddie is a lot more obvious with his insults, Julian says things that aren't so obvious and can get more under someone's skin/
  3. Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give explanations.
    In the beginning, most people treated August like he had some sort of plague. But as the story goes on, people, other students, start to warm up to him, treat him like a normal boy.
  4. Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he deserves the medal? Why?
    August has gone through so much throughout the year and never gave up. By "give up," I mean he never dropped out. I personally think he deserves the medal after having to deal with Julian and other bullies all while having a smile on his face. Sort of.
  5. Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change?
    At the beginning of the book, August was a shy, not very talkative boy but as the story goes on he comes out of his shell and becomes a lot more confident.
  6. Describe your favourite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them.
    I really like Via. She's such a strong girl, having to hold the burden of being the older sister of a "deformed" kid. I feel like I can see bits of myself in her, the way that she thinks and acts etc.
  7. This story explores the themes of; Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.
  8. What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life?
    I think his life will have a lot of ups and downs, it will be a rocky road, but he'll get through it.

Can Do 

Rappelled - "To be pushed away"
Concession - "a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands."
Brainiac - "an exceptionally intelligent person."
Imbeciles - "a stupid person."
Quantifiable - "able to be expressed or measured as a quantity."
Verbosity - "the fact or quality of using more words than needed; wordiness."
Abolitionist - "a person who favours the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery."

DIGITAL ART- Using Thinglink, create an interactive image of your favourite character. Include information about them, important moments they have in the story, some of their quotes and why they are needed to tell Auggies story.

This is a Venn diagram outlining the differences between 'Wonder' the movie and 'Wonder' the book.

And that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed my take on the story 'Wonder.' Thank you for joining me!

Health And Safety In Technology


What is a hazard?
  • A hazard is a risk that may cause death or damage to one's self. Hazards can be found in any situation where there is a potential risk. These risks could be anything from slippery floors to exposed electrical wires.
What does a hazard sign mean?
  • A hazard sign is there to show you what hazards you might be exposed to and need to look out for.
Where can you find one of these signs?
  • In any area where there might be a hazard, so this means you can find them anywhere from a construction site to a mall
    What do these signs look like?
  • These signs are usually identified as a black icon or graphic on a yellow background with a black border.


What does the term mandatory mean?
  • Mandatory means must do, or you must.
What does a mandatory sign mean?
  • A mandatory sign means you must do or wear whatever is on the sign
Where can you find these signs?
  • You can find these signs anywhere, including a construction site, a hospital, or other workplaces
What do these signs look like?
  • These signs are identified by a white image or icon on a blue background


What does the term prohibited mean?
  • If something has been prohibited, it is something that has been forbidden; banned"
What does a prohibited sign mean?
  • A prohibited sign tells you what you aren't allowed in that area, that an item or action has been banned.
Where can you find these signs?
  • You can find these signs anywhere. On the roadside, in a hospital, at school, at a park, anywhere and everywhere
What do these signs look like?
  • These signs are identified by a black icon or image on a white background with a red cross in a red circle on top of it

These are my signs. They are a prohibited sign and a mandatory sign

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Drama - About me!

  1. I enjoy acting, singing, and performing in general.
  2. I have been performing for 
  3. I got into the SHS choir twice and went to Adelaide with them in 2015.

One of my favourite performers - Dodie Clark

Burned Out - 
This original song is one that holds an important message. Whether it was for the audience or for Dodie herself, it is there. In the song, the underlying theme is working yourself to the point of being, well, burned out. Dodie wrote this song to show how much writing and producing songs works her.

A slideshow about me

The script -

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Everyone Deserves A Standing Ovation

Wonder Work Part Six- August

  1. Explain why August doesn't like school events that include parents?
    Mainly because it's more and more people who can stare at him and get scared/shocked by him. He says that's about 120, maybe more, eyes that will look at him, "eyes that aren't as used to me as their kids' eyes are by now."
  2. Maya left August a nice little note and August said, "Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." Explain the change that is occurring?
    Students have started to realise how stupid the war is, and others have realised how normal and nice August actually is.
  3. Describe August's feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified?
    He felt as though people would make fun of him more than they would already, taking in consideration how noticeable they are. I personally feel as though they are justified, considering the past few months.
  4. Why did Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents? Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?
    As mentioned in the last Wonder post, Via doesn't want to be known as the girl with the deformed brother. I believe Via's mum finally understands this, so she realises Via doesn't want Auggie to go to the play.
  5. August says, "I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.” Explain what this means and why he believes it.
    Personally, I think this means he believes that everybody should feel appreciated at least once in their lives so that they know what that is like. 
  6. What effect did Daisys’ death have on the characters?
    Everyone was upset and shocked, Auggie saw his dad cry for the first time. It obviously hit everyone involved very harshly.

Wonder Work Part Seven - Miranda

  1. Why did Miranda claim ‘sickness’ before the play?
    She knew that August and Via's parents were there on the opening night and that no one was there to see her, so she wanted Via to go on for her, as her understudy. Perhaps she felt guilty for them drifting apart.
  2. After reading Miranda's, how did your perception of her change and why
    I felt bad for her, she was being iced out by her mother, she had the weight of lies that got out of hand on her shoulders and she lost one of her friends. Though, I will say these aren't good reasons to talk badly about Via behind her back or anything.

Can Do Tasks:

Vocab -
Mayhem - "violent or extreme disorder; chaos."
Taciturn - "reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little."
Gazillion - "a very large number or quantity (used for emphasis)."
Sarcastic - "marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt."
Hysterically - "with wildly uncontrolled emotion."
Bittersweet - "arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain."

Create - Make a Kahoot quiz that has at least 20 reorganisation questions about the story so far (questions that can be answered by reading the text).

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Parliament 101

What are the three groups responsible for laws?
The Judiciary, The Executive,  and The Legislature
Who is responsible for signing a new law to make it official?
The Judiciary

What is a bill?
The word bill is used to refer to an idea or suggestion for a law. 

What is a law?
Laws are the rules of a nation that everyone is expected to follow.

Monday 2 July 2018

The Universe Wasn't Kind To August Pullman

Wonder Work Part Five- Justin

  1. Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents? How did it show? How did it work out?
    It's always nervewracking meeting your partner's parents. You never know what they will think of you. On the night, Justin is stressed, which causes the tics he has to get worse, which Via notices, he believes that her parents also notice but pretend not to. The night goes fine either way.
  2. Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting.
    To me, he greets the family members in different ways to suit the person. He shakes the dad's hand to come off as formal and together. He hugs the mother to come off as kind and open. He fist bumps August to come off as cool and relatable. Oh and he's obviously going to kiss his girlfriend.
  3. In the bus stop chapter, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do?
    In the long run, probably not. Julian can use this event against Jack now, saying he needs a teenager to stand up for him.
  4. In the chapter titled Bird, Via states that she is 'an awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? Is she right?
    She feels this way because she didn't tell her parents about the play. She didn't tell them because she doesn't want people at her school to find out about August. I don't think she's an "awful person," mainly because of the outcome of people finding out. I can understand that she wants to be known as Olivia, her own person, not Olivia, the sister of that deformed kid. She's already spent most of her life as that person, so I believe she's entitled to not having to deal with that for at least the rest of her high school life.
  5. In what ways is Part Five different from the other Parts in the book?
    One, it's from Justin's point of view, a character that has only been mentioned a couple times and didn't seem too important to the story. Two, the punctuation and grammar isn't the best, which tells us he's not the best at writing compared to his skill in music and drama. 

Can Do Tasks

Vocabulary - 

Dissed - "speak disrespectfully to or criticize."
Sarcastically - "in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt."
Tics - "a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face."
Immaculate - "perfectly clean, neat, or tidy."
Monologue - "a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme."
Theorems - "a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths."

Writing -

I was tasked to write an apology letter from Jack to Julian. It's pretty short, but I tried to get the message across as best as I can.

Dear Julian Albans,
I would just like to apologise for punching you the other day.
It was completely unnecessary and I hope you can forgive me.

I’d prefer not to mention why exactly I did, as I haven’t exactly
figured out that out myself, it was a kind of in the moment kind of thing.

Once again, I genuinely apologise and hope you will accept my apology.
Jack Will