
Monday 2 July 2018

The Universe Wasn't Kind To August Pullman

Wonder Work Part Five- Justin

  1. Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents? How did it show? How did it work out?
    It's always nervewracking meeting your partner's parents. You never know what they will think of you. On the night, Justin is stressed, which causes the tics he has to get worse, which Via notices, he believes that her parents also notice but pretend not to. The night goes fine either way.
  2. Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting.
    To me, he greets the family members in different ways to suit the person. He shakes the dad's hand to come off as formal and together. He hugs the mother to come off as kind and open. He fist bumps August to come off as cool and relatable. Oh and he's obviously going to kiss his girlfriend.
  3. In the bus stop chapter, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do?
    In the long run, probably not. Julian can use this event against Jack now, saying he needs a teenager to stand up for him.
  4. In the chapter titled Bird, Via states that she is 'an awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? Is she right?
    She feels this way because she didn't tell her parents about the play. She didn't tell them because she doesn't want people at her school to find out about August. I don't think she's an "awful person," mainly because of the outcome of people finding out. I can understand that she wants to be known as Olivia, her own person, not Olivia, the sister of that deformed kid. She's already spent most of her life as that person, so I believe she's entitled to not having to deal with that for at least the rest of her high school life.
  5. In what ways is Part Five different from the other Parts in the book?
    One, it's from Justin's point of view, a character that has only been mentioned a couple times and didn't seem too important to the story. Two, the punctuation and grammar isn't the best, which tells us he's not the best at writing compared to his skill in music and drama. 

Can Do Tasks

Vocabulary - 

Dissed - "speak disrespectfully to or criticize."
Sarcastically - "in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt."
Tics - "a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face."
Immaculate - "perfectly clean, neat, or tidy."
Monologue - "a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme."
Theorems - "a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths."

Writing -

I was tasked to write an apology letter from Jack to Julian. It's pretty short, but I tried to get the message across as best as I can.

Dear Julian Albans,
I would just like to apologise for punching you the other day.
It was completely unnecessary and I hope you can forgive me.

I’d prefer not to mention why exactly I did, as I haven’t exactly
figured out that out myself, it was a kind of in the moment kind of thing.

Once again, I genuinely apologise and hope you will accept my apology.
Jack Will

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