
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Business in Social Studies

Learning Intention:

I am learning to understand the rights of consumers and to understand the responsibilities of producers

Consumer -
What I think: A consumer is a person who buys and uses products and services.
What the internet says: "A person who purchases goods and services for personal use."

Producer -
What I think: A producer is a person or business that creates or supplies those products and services.
What the internet says: "A person, company, or country that makes, grows or supplies goods or commodities for sale"

What I think I've consumed in the past week:
Bought costume items.
Hot water

When I've come in contact with a producer
I went to McDonald's with Brayden
I went to a costume store
I went to a clothing store

What are my consumer rights?
What we are entitled to as a consumer
Consumer rights are protected by the Consumer Guarantees Act. The CGA protects you from bad deals faulty product sales and allows you to seek a fair deal.

Responsibilities of Producers
Produces must ensure that their goods and services meet the CGA. This means their goods must be fit for purpose and services fair.

Under the CGA, your consumer rights are expressed as a series of guarantees that a seller automatically makes it to you.

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