
Thursday 6 August 2020

Status Update: Art Term 3 Week 3

This week we're focusing on series and sequences. I have actually been thinking about how I'd like to sort out and order my own folio, as most of my pieces at the moment are quite stand alone. However, I do have concepts that will (hopefully) work in sequences with each other.

Anyway, relating to any actual update, we did an activity that helped us see series within a portfolio. As pairs within the class on Monday afternoon, we were given a portfolio to study and cut into its series where we see fit. Casey and I worked together on this folio:

These were the series that we saw:
We actually got quite confused with some of these pieces. Those four in the bottom left corner? We were caught between whether they were one series with all four of them, or if they didn't actually go with each other at all. We were caught on this because while they're all (self?) portraits of who seems to be the same girl yet they are all different styles.

Finally, this is the sequence we believe the folio was made in:

Looking at it now, I'm not sure whether or not the black and white photos we put second are mean to be second but if you look back at the actual portfolio, if it were to be read left to right, that is where it would sit.

In regards to my own work, I don't have a lot of things to update there. So, I had this concept that is really hard to explain so I created an actual like photoshopped concept picture and now I've lost it. It's gone. :(. I have started that idea though, so far it's a weird bunch of boxes that slightly resembles an old tv. In other news, that 'The Creation of Adam' drawing I started? Yeah, I hate it. I do still like the concept though, so I want to go about it in a different way. Instead of having to draw the hand, I'd like to see if I could do a multi-media type of thing for it like mayhaps I could use some bible verses for the background or just straight up use the original piece for the hand. I want to draw the snake though. Because snakes aren't as hard as hands. 

So here's that tv resembling thing :)
I'd like to size it up for the actual thing but I could hopefully still use the smaller version on my folio.

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