
Wednesday 27 June 2018

I Don't Want To Be Ex Friends

Wonder Work Part Four- Jack

In this part of the story, we see Jack's point of view of not only the Halloween situation but of August in general.
  1. Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." What does it mean?
    Now, before I answer the question, may I mention the quote has in fact, according to multiple sources on the internet, has been quoted wrong? To be fair, it might have been a translation issue but from what I'm shown, most people have agreed the quote to actually be “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.” What this means exactly? Well, in my opinion, to put it simply, it means that the things that should, or do, meaning the most are not actually things that we can physically see or touch.
  2. What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr Tushman's request to show August around school? What made Jack decide to say 'yes' to Mr Tushman’s request?
    He didn't want to do it but when Jamie started talking about how he ran away screaming after seeing Auggie for the first time, he realised how rough middle school will be for Auggie.
  3. Friendship can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and August becoming Ex-friends? How does he feel when he finds out why?
    At first, before finding out, Jack believes he has done nothing to wrong August at all and that this whole situation is Auggie's fault. When he finds out, however, he realises he has done something wrong, feels remorse and regret and proceeds to apologise for it. 
  4. How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do?
    Julian wouldn't shut up about Jack being friends with August. Obviously, there was a better solution to this situation so I believe it was the wrong thing to do. But in Jack's defence, Julian is a jerk and he deserved it.
  5. How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character?
    It made me realise how different people handle different situations and that Jack isn't a bad person, just someone who wants to be popular by all means. He realised he messed up and showed actual remorse and regret for it.
  6. Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have own their friendship?
    I think August will be confused or not believe it at first. After it has been confirmed for him, I feel like he'll congratulate Jack at the same time as being disappointed.
  7. Discuss the motivations for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it’s the message it sends to Julian.
    Julian's mother is extremely irrational. She didn't want August in the class photo, let alone the school. This is telling Julian that stuff like this is okay, telling him that it's fine to judge someone because of the way they look.
  8. What do you make of Mrs Albans' statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on the kids to befriend August?
    August is not necessarily handicapped. Yes, he has issues with eating and, at a later point, hearing, but it does not stop him from doing anything at all. As for the burden, I don't believe Mr Tushman forced anyone to become friends with August when he asked them to be nice to him, everyone who has become good friends with Auggie has done so on their own terms.
  9. Mrs Alban also thought that August shouldn't have been allowed into Beecher Prep. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
    Disagree, Auggie's disability doesn't affect him academically at all, therefore he should be treated as if he was a regular student... because he is. How someone looks should not be a factor of his or her acceptance into a school.
  10. How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at Beecher Prep?
    He had the constant feeling of being watched when sitting alone at lunch, and the feeling he had no friends, long story short, he hated it.

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