
Tuesday 12 June 2018

Through The Eyes Of The Older Sibling

Wonder Work Pg 81-117

I'm finally up to part two! This part is through the eyes of Via, Auggie's older sister, let's see how this plays out.

  1. Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different from that in part 1? Do they match up? Part one was in the POV of August, meanwhile, part two is in the POV of Via, who doesn't see Auggie like he sees himself. They don't exactly match up but are similar in many ways. 
  2. In at least a paragraph, describe the challenges do you think Via might face being Auggie’s sister?
    There are too many to go into detail about, honestly. Let's start with her home life. Via is the older sibling, right? Now, older siblings, on occasion, get pushed to the side anyway, even when they don't have a brother with special needs. But Via's experience takes this to a whole other level. In the story, she describes how everything is about August, his needs, his moods etc. Which means she's neglected more. Her parents wouldn't be able to come to her soccer games, or recitals, or science fairs, most of the time. If she was playing too loud while Auggie was trying to sleep, she understood she needed to do something else. She would have to do every project and homework task by herself, if she was falling behind in a class she would study it on her own. She had to learn how to put toys together, how to organise her life so she didn't miss a party, how to stay on top of her school work so she didn't fall behind in any class, all by herself. Now put that on top of the fact most of her classmates in elementary and middle school knew her as the sister of August. Not only that but how the public sees August. Via is usually the one to call strangers out for staring or for making faces, she's protective of him.
  3. Via says “August is the Sun.” Explain what she means and why she feels this way?
    The sun is what the rest of the solar system revolves around. She and her parents were the planets in orbit and Auggie was the sun. Everything she, and her parents, did had to work with what Auggie did. Everything was about August.
  4. Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make August feel like he is normal? Is this a problem? Explain.
    Personally, yes, I agree with her. Auggie doesn't need to know he is normal, he needs to know that being different is okay. If he spends his life thinking he is completely normal, he won't understand why people treat him differently and therefore will be harmed more in the long run.
  5. Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding high school?
    Via goes by Olivia at school so she can get away from being "Via: The older sister of a deformed boy." How is she finding it, on the other hand? I believe she finds high school decently okay. After she finds new friends and a new routine that is.
  6. What are the odds of Via having a child that looks like August? Do you think these are good odds? Explain.
    For Via, there is a one in two chance she'll pass it on to her kids, if she marries someone with the same gene that Via has, the mutated TCOF1 gene, the kids will have a one in two chance of carrying the gene and looking completely normal, a one in four chance of the kids not carrying the gene at all and a one in four chance that the kids will look like Auggie. It's some pretty high odds, honestly,  so I don't personally think they're very good odds.
  7. Explore the character Miranda. Why did she call August at the end of Part 2? Explain
    I believe she called August with the hope of talking to Via. Like she was using August as an excuse to talk to Via at least once. She misses her as a friend but doesn't have the courage to talk to her without it being awkward.
  8. Describe Via as a character? Do you empathise with her?
    Via doesn't really fit into one category of a person. She's not a nerd, but she's smart. She comes off as quite understanding, because of August, but she just knows there is no point in complaining. I personally do empathise with her, she has a rough life. She has to deal with everything a normal teenager has to deal with, alone. Not only alone but as well as wanting to deal with August's problems on top of them.
  9. What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school?
    I think Jack will act like nothing happened but August will act suspicious and drift away from Jack or randomly snapping at him.

Can do tasks:

The first task I chose to do was the character web. Now I wanted to be extra so I decided that I wanted to use every. single. character. in the story. After finishing it (Which took me like 4 hours) I realised how messy and confusing it looked. So what I did was I made a copy and restored a previous version and got rid of the lower characters

Here's the messy version with all the characters if you wanted to see it ->

Part two
 Draw a picture of Auggie as he is described by Via. Discuss why you have included different features, styles or colours in your creation 

I drew this: (Haven't finished)


Fashionista - "a designer of haute couture" or "a devoted follower of fashion."
Celestial - "positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy."
Flabbergasted - "surprise (someone) greatly; astonish."
Sarcastic - "marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt."
Meticulously - "in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly."
Illuminating - "when something lights up."
Transition - "the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another."

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