
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Weather Vanes My One And Lonely

Okay, this title doesn't make as much sense but it's from Northen Downpour and it will somewhat make sense soon.

Task: Weather With You

Write a descriptive paragraph or poem about a character.
The weather shows how your character is feeling e.g If she is sad, the weather will be grey and cloudy, maybe with some rain.

Here are some quick notes I took before writing this:

Happy - Sunshine
Tired/unfocused - Foggy
Angry - Storm
Sad - Cloudy 
Upset - Rain
(Okay, yeah, the last two were kind of the same but shhh)
In love - Rainbow

Watch. Just watch. Look how the sun's rays brighten as her smile curls upwards. The small creases beside her lips and eyes deepening as the clouds fade away almost as quickly as her frown. It brings a whole new meaning to your smile lights up the world. Watch how her tears fall quicker than the drops of rain landing on her window pane. Listen to how her cries of anger ring louder than the thunder, her wrath more powerful than the bolts of lightning. Check out how a familiar arch of colour appears as her crush walks through the door, her heart pounding in her chest as her rainbow grows brighter. Note how she has to peels her eyelids open in class to stay awake as the fog outside grows thicker. So. If you're ever wondering why the weather acts like a girl on her period... don't be surprised. All you have to do is watch. Just. Watch.

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